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Good news

For all the five people that are reading this blog, I’ve been going to the gym and exercising fairly regularly since my last post.

It’s been feeling good and I’m kind of getting into it. I’ve noticed that I’m making “working out” more of a priority. Easy, considering I’m out of work and have 16 hours of free time during the day. We’ll see how important physical activity is once I get a job.

I do feel better during and after exercising which makes it easier  to go. I’ve even surprised myself by going to the gym, or biking, even when I was dirt-bagged tired. Remarkably, I felt better afterwards. It’s like I was rewarded for my efforts–thank you brain.

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen a great net loss of weight. I seem to be fluctuating a lot–a result of eating really “well” on one day and then “poorly” on others. I blame it on my current inability to control myself when I’m socializing.

I just have to keep at it…

That’s all, not a very exciting post, I know.

On an upward trend

You can only go up if you’ve been down.

I know I’ve been feeling low these past few weeks, spending hours in front of the TV addicted to Rescue Me. My diet has been poor, I’ve been drinking more and I haven’t exercised much. The weather has been pretty crappy too.

However, despite filling my body with junk, I haven’t had a migraine. Miracles of miracles. I think it has everything to do with reducing how much coffee I drink. I went from 3 cups to just one cup, first thing in the morning. Just a small change has made a huge impact on my health.

I also know that small changes can help me get out of this funk, or at least make me feel a little less ashamed of myself. This morning I felt really compelled to sit in front of the computer and do shit. I also wanted to get out and do some errands but I also have a massage at 3. As I looked at my huge pile of dirty dishes, I knew that I would feel better if I did my dishes now because I certainly wouldn’t feel like doing them once I got home – all relaxed and oily and all. 🙂

Future pleasure (me coming home to a clean kitchen) trumped immediate pleasure (sitting in front of the computer).

I must be on an upward trend.

Now, I have to get going. I’ve got some things to do.

I’m in my happy place

It’s Sunday morning with a clean house. I actually felt joy earlier. It was a wonderful warm, happy feeling.

Unfortunately as the day yawns on, the intensity of joy begins to fade as the realization of Sunday night, and another 5 day work week is ahead of me.

This is not an April Fool’s joke.